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Showcase your business and drive sales. Build your business with high-quality videos.

WHY does everybody need video for a successful business?

Video is 80% MORE effective in CONVERSION rates than photos and text alone. Video increases your visibility, customer awareness, viewer competence, and ultimately your bottom line. Competing within your industry requires you to Demand Attention from your audience.

Let’s take a look at important data points gathered by

CONTACT US TODAY to discuss your video marketing needs. We can’t wait to work with you!


In 2023 a staggering 91% of companies use Video to increase their bottom line.

Video is a highly valuable, and key Marketing Tool.

In 2023 96% of companies see Video as being a very important Marketing Tool.

In 2023 9% of companies aren’t using Video as a Marketing Tool because of these reasons.

33% don’t use Video due to a “Lack of Time”.

20% Don’t know where to start.

10% can’t convince key decision-makers.

10% feel it’s too expensive.

5% feel that it’s “Not needed”. (This is very nieve)

To be competitive, video is essential.

WE’RE HERE TO HELP. CONTACT US TODAY to discuss your video marketing needs. We can’t wait to work with you!

70% of companies who are not using Video as a Marketing Tool plan to begin using video.

66% of companies use live action as their video type for an effective Marketing Tool, 57% use screen recordings, and 55% use animations.


Companies create a variety of videos!

71% Social Media Video

70% Explainer Video

50% Presentation Video

46% Testimonial Video

46% Video Ads

42% Teaser Video

40% Sales Video

36% Product Demo Video

21% Customer Onboarding Video

20% Staff Training Video

15% App Demo Video

15% Employee Onboarding Video.

So how much do companies typically spend per video?

42% Spend $0 - $500

25% Spend $1,001 - $5,000

18% Spend $501 - $1,000

9% Spend $5,001 - $10,000

4% Spend Over $20,001

3% Spend $10,001 - $20,000

How do companies measure video success and ROI?

63% Video Views

61% Audience Engagement

56% Leads & Clicks

43% Brand Awareness

42% Retention

26% Bottom Line Sales

11% Don’t Track ROI

So what? How does video help me?

The Vast majority of businesses say that video helps their users and customers understand their brand or product better.

When your brand truly connects with your customer base, your brand inevitably grows from building trust, understanding, and brand loyalty.

Brand understanding means more brand awareness…

So what? How does video help me?

95% of businesses have increased brand awareness by using video.

More awareness ultimately means more traffic…

So what? How does video help me?

91% of businesses have increased traffic by using video.

More traffic ultimately leads to more leads…

So what? How does video help me?

90% of businesses have increased leads by using video.

More leads result in more sales…

So what? How does video help me?

87% of businesses have increased sales by using video.

MORE SALES leads to business growth.

So what? How does video help me?

92% of businesses have determined that using video is a good Return on Investment.

If you’re not using video to build your business you’re not only falling behind but, you’re missing out on HUGE opportunities to GROW your business.

We hope you’re seeing the trend and the benefits of using video for your business and brand!

CONTACT US TODAY to discuss your video marketing needs. We can’t wait to work with you!

Let’s continue covering the key points of how video helps your business.

That’s all great but, how do we know that our customers actually want video from my business?

The proof is in the pudding.

Thanks to the introduction of Smartphones such as the iPhone; Customers have 24/7 365 access to the internet and video.

Throughout the WORLD the average person spends 8-12 hours PER DAY consuming video content.

In 2023 91% of CUSTOMERS WANT TO SEE MORE videos from brands.



In 2023 96% of customers have watched a video specifically to learn more about a product or service.

51% of people share Video over all other content with friends and family.

When it comes to sharing content with friends and family, video is king. People are more likely to spread the word about your brand if you publish videos.

This is really great, we want to make videos but, where should we publish them?

When it comes to publishing in this day and age, IT HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER or MORE COST EFFECTIVE! In the past the only option was a TV Broadcaster which would cost THOUSANDS of dollars for every single video campaign.

The most effective platforms nowadays are either FREE or very low-cost to publish your videos. The most effective platforms based on user experience are as follows.

YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Webinars are the clear leaders.

But, let’s not forget about the other great places for marketing like;

HULU, Tubi, and Other Streaming Services, Google, Amazon.

NOW YOU KNOW the benefits of using video for your business and brand!

We hope this helps arm you with the knowledge needed for you to take the next very important step in your business marketing strategy.

It’s time to take the leap! Increase your Brand Awareness, Traffic, and SALES! CONTACT US TODAY to discuss your video marketing needs. We can’t wait to work with you!

We’ve worked with great people, and we’d love to work with you.

Contact us today!

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